Tuesday, December 26, 2023

“No one dies with dignity.” - Jason Isbell, “Elephant,” Southeastern, 2013.

Mike’s life was much more than his death. I’ve shared his life this year. His death is what I’m left with.

He wanted to live. His doctors offered more treatment, and he accepted. He was a patient and a doctor. He didn’t question his doctors.

That’s where death without dignity happens.

Inoperable esophageal cancer is incurable. He stopped treatment on Halloween, 2022, and died two days later.

I got stronger as Mike weakened. My heart grew – his faded. He died peacefully, finally. 

He suffers no more. For that, I’m grateful.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing these weekly tiny stories about your beloved Mike. You opened your heart to us through your words. I hope the writing of them helped you in your healing. You have such lovely memories.

  2. Thank you, Debbi. Your honesty and openness and courage are more inspiring than I can put into words. It has enriched my life to know you and Mike.
